How long have you been a Sitterwise sitter? It's been more than 1 year already!
What's your favorite age to work with and why? This is a tough question. I enjoy working with all ages but one in particular that I would prefer is the three-year-olds. They are full of energy and by the age of three you can have a conversation with them and the words that come out of them are pretty funny and amazing.
What do you enjoy most about being a Sitterwise sitter? There are many things that I love about being part of Sitterwise. One thing that I enjoy the most is the fact that I get to work along side other Christians. When we work an event we pray and that just isn't something you find at most jobs.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I would love to learn how to play the guitar and be more artistic!
When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time? You can find me reading! I'm currently reading "The Last Arrow."
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? Daniel from the Bible. He was loyal to God and didn't bend for anyone.
What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity? One of my all time favorite things to do outdoors is run at the beach, especially on Saturday mornings.
What three traits define you? Compassionate , patient and on time.
If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Only one? I would definitely choose something healthy like a salad with steak.
What's one thing you can't live without? Currently my iPhone. I do everything through it. Spiritually speaking, I cannot live without my Bible.
Do you have any hidden talents? Not that I know off, wish I did or maybe I do and I haven't discovered them since they're so "hidden". Ha!
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Spain
If you could go back in time, what would you tell your 13 year old self? Damaris, your main focus is school, so study, study and study some more.
What kind of music is currently downloaded on your phone? My go-to band would have to be Hillsong, Elevation worship, Bethel, and Upper Room.
Share your most favorite Sitterwise experience: I had a great time working the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren event. There was a sweet little boy in a wheel chair who just touched my heart. That was the highlight of that day. Also, helping two boys who were very aggressive -- by the end of the day they were helping one another and using kind words. Our words are so powerful and it was amazing to see!