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Superbook | San Diego Babysitting

Superbook first came out in 1981, when I was 6.  I don’t remember ever seeing it at that time, but I was fascinated to learn the history of the show!  I was surprised to learn that the animated series was first developed for Japan and was very well received in that country.

Since Superbook’s remake begin earlier this year, my kids have been absolutely LOVING our subscription.  Each month, we receive a new episode – a Bible story with a fresh new, modern twist.  As a bonus, they send two additional DVDs for us to give to friends and family.  We usually add these to birthday gifts. Both of our children, ages 9 and almost 5, are equally excited to find a new Superbook episode in the mail, and it makes a fun family night when we’re able to watch the stories together.

Popular episodes include the following:  Creation, Noah & the Ark, David & Goliath, Esther, Rahab, the Fiery Furnace, Joseph & Pharoah’s Dream, Jonah, the Resurrection, Jacob & Esau, and many more!  This collection of DVDs lays a firm foundation of the important stories from the Old and New Testaments.

The next Superbook in the series is Noah and the Ark, and the current special is 5 free DVDs (including three “The First Christmas” DVDs).   A subscription is $25 per month (billed whenever a new episode becomes available).

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