Before the COVID-19 pandemic began, the thought of working remotely while watching your kids probably seemed impossible - but now, there’s a good chance this has become your reality. How can you be a great employee while taking care of your kids full-time, too? It’s not easy, but it’s definitely doable! We’ve rounded up a collection of essential resources to help you create a quiet workspace, prevent household stress, and hire help when you really need assistance.
Design Your Home Office
If you try to work at your kitchen table, your kids will be distracting you all day long! Here’s how to find space to work in solitude.
Designate a private space in your home for office, and use a door sweep, thick carpets, and wall tapestries soundproof this room.
Outfit your office with all of the furniture and organizational tools you need to stay focused during the workday.
Store your files digitally so your kids won’t be able to get into any important documents!
Keep Your Kids Busy
While you’re absorbed in your work, your kids will need to find outlets for their energy. This is an opportunity for your children to enjoy independent, imaginative playtime.
Suggest activities for your kids to do solo, like building with blocks or doing basic crafts.
Get your kids connected with secure, age-appropriate devices.
Talk to your kids about playing nicely together to stave off sibling squabbles and chaos during your workday.
Some video game playing is okay, but make sure you have access to fast internet with low latency.
Manage Household Stress
Everyone in your household is probably feeling a bit overwhelmed by these recent changes. Here’s how to relieve stress and create a more cheerful atmosphere at home.
Sticking with predictable routines will help you avoid household chaos.
Don’t forget to focus on self-care for yourself, too! Take time to exercise, watch your favorite TV show, or soak in a bath.
Get the Help You Need
Do you feel like you need additional support to handle everything on your to-do list? Here’s how to lighten your load.
If childcare responsibilities on your own are impossible, look into hiring a trusted babysitter from Sitterwise.
If you take the right precautions, you can hire a cleaning service to deep clean your home.
Use online job boards to find a virtual assistant. Check in with your boss first if necessary!
Working full-time is hard enough - and measuring up to your boss’s expectations while parenting full-time requires serious dedication. But you might be surprised at how much simpler this balance becomes when you implement the right strategies. After consulting these resources, you’ll feel confident in your ability to manage both of these important roles.
Whether you need hotel care, a Friday night babysitter in your home, pet sitting, or a long-term nanny placement, book a sitter from Sitterwise today!
** This site may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. All of the products on this site are hand selected and are products I love and want to share.
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